For most people awakening in this lifetime seems unobtainable, a mystery that is saved for the saints and monks.  'Awakening Consciousness'  is a group of soulful individuals who have come together with the common aim of sharing sacred knowledge with the intention of encouraging the awakening of souls on earth.


The Esoteric Knowledge of Body Types

An introduction to a system that unlocks the many mysteries of human relationships.

February 28, 2016    1:00PM

418 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, NM


Please join us for an introduction to a system that unlocks the many mysteries of human relationships. Discover a hidden knowledge of human types. The Seven Body Types of human beings are part of an ancientsystem that demystifies the psychology of the human personality, and broadens our understanding of how humanity is directly related to the Cosmos.
Find out what type you are! Are you positive or negative? Are you passive or active? Learn about the the seven different human body types that are each inherently different to the other.

Presented by John Manning, a student of philosophy and mysticism for over 20 years, and Director of Awakening Consciousness.