For most people awakening in this lifetime seems unobtainable, a mystery that is saved for the saints and monks.  'Awakening Consciousness'  is a group of soulful individuals who have come together with the common aim of sharing sacred knowledge with the intention of encouraging the awakening of souls on earth.

NEXT EVENT: London, England

Love, Sex and the Soul

Six Cosmic Stages to Awakening through Love

March 21, 2016    7:30PM - 9:00PM

St. James's    197 Piccadilly, London W1 9LL


There will be a guided mediation at 6.30pm which will be followed by the talk at 7.00pm

Through the 'Love, Sex and the Soul’ lecture, Ollie Charles presents the idea that the main requirement to enlightenment is an elusive mystical energy which often masquerades as love and sex. This lecture provides revealing insights into the mysteries of love giving clarity and understanding to the most sought after state in human history. A must for all on the path to true consciousness and a deeper understanding of the hidden aspect to human relationships. 

About Ollie Charles:

Ollie Charles has studied consciousness and the universal quest for inner enlightenment for the last 24 years. Understanding this great work has led him to delve deeper into the rich heritage of Eastern and Western fine arts, literature, philosophies and many of the practical aspects of mysticism and ancient esoteric traditions. His teaching style is described as light, down to earth and often humourous, using easily grasped analogy and metaphor, including many examples from his own life experience. Ollie aims to present a path to the invisible part of that which is historically seen as something belonging to Eastern Yogas, Ancient Traditions and New Age movements, in an easily accessible and modern manner. Since 1997, Ollie has lectured internationally and taught many groups and individuals in London England, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Diego, Mexico City and Sydney Australia. He has dedicated his life to the ongoing universal awakening of humanity and helping teach those that wish to be guided along the same path.